Notice and Disclaimer

Dear Readers,

Recently, my personal life was invaded by a woman who sent an anonymous letter from Boston to my boss at my personal job to complain about me because she was offended by my views on DPD (dependent personality disorder) contained within the article on Sookie’s Psychology. While I realize that these views on Sookie may be offensive for those who actually possess the disorder, I simply made an analysis of the character presented on the screen in connection with the knowledge of psychology I have obtained in college classes as well as personal research and was not attempting to attack people who have the disorder, cause damage to their psyches, or provide them with medical advice.  I am very sorry this person was offended to such a degree, but I think it was out-of-line to invade my personal life in such a manner because they wanted to lodge a complaint against me.


I do not claim and have never claimed advanced qualifications in the field of psychology and I am not offering medical or legal advice on this blog. I have not claimed advanced qualifications in any field in which I may use to interpret material on the show True Blood; I have also never claimed to offer advice in any of these fields. My knowledge of these subjects is based on my personal knowledge and research on them, therefore it should be taken as nothing other than my opinion of the research as it relates to True Blood. Because the material on True Blood is for mature audiences and contains offensive material,  it should be expected that the material on a blog containing interpretations of the show should be considered a place for mature audiences accepting that they may be offended by the material shown or discussed. I am sorry that people may not agree with my interpretations or may be personally offended by them. However,  this is a fantasy show for mature audiences containing offensive material and therefore, my blog should be considered to be in that same category. Therefore, all readers should be able to accept this risk and also accept that I should not be held personally or professionally liable for any negative reactions that occur as a result of reading or responding to the material contained within this blog. 

** All future complaints should be directed to me through many means of contact that are easy to access, including my facebook page or twitter** I can provide email addresses as necessary** If I attempt to respond to all comments directed to me on this page, then I will certainly listen to any type of criticism directed at me or the material contained within my blog**

Just as I am within my rights to use the internet to present personal views on a television show containing offensive material, you are well within your rights to use internet mediums (outside of our mutual personal lives) to launch complaints against me if you so choose.

Thank you,

Kat (Talktrueblood)

  1. #1 by Patrick on June 11, 2011 - 12:34 pm

    I think this is absolutely ridiculous that you have to go to these lengths. The fact that someone would be lifeless enough to do this really makes me sick. I hope you can find out who said it. This is utter bullshit, but don’t let it dissuade you from your talents and passions!

    • #2 by Kat on June 11, 2011 - 9:45 pm

      thank you.

  2. #3 by Anonymous on June 11, 2011 - 12:41 pm

    Wow, sounds to me like she overreacted.

    • #4 by Kat on June 11, 2011 - 9:46 pm

      Yes, it’s just sad she carried it so far.

  3. #5 by The Ancient Pythoness on June 11, 2011 - 12:58 pm

    I am so sorry to hear that you had to go through this horrible experience. Your psychological analysis about the characters very informative, and I am grateful for it. I this doesn’t affect the content of your blog.

    • #6 by Kat on June 11, 2011 - 9:47 pm

      No it does not, I just may have to contain a link to the disclaimer on the top of the blog or make a link clearly visible. This will not be affecting my content and dissuade me, in fact I hope to do further psychological articles.

  4. #7 by zee on June 11, 2011 - 1:03 pm

    that is just sad….y the hell would that woman do that? i hate when people do things like this just because of someones opinion on something,esp something which u said regarding a tv show….im sorry u had to g through that 😦
    i wonder….if she was a bill fan :s

    • #8 by Kat on June 11, 2011 - 9:51 pm

      Thank you for your support. I thought this type of behavior was reserved for people who got offended on over-zealous chat rooms, and not for the average public but I guess I was wrong. I am sorry she was offended but invading my personal life like that is just wrong. For all she knew, I could be depending on this job to the point where I would be out on the streets if fired. Thankfully, that isn’t the case. …I don’t know but it’s possible that could have angered her further.

  5. #9 by hiddeneloise on June 11, 2011 - 6:18 pm

    Someone sent a letter to you boss?! That’s just … disgusting. Agree or disagree about someone’s views on a television character/show/fictional personality, breaching into that someone’s real life in such a destructive way that can cause real damage? It’s wrong, it’s repugnant, and it signals more problems than just DPD.

    • #10 by Kat on June 11, 2011 - 9:57 pm

      I was saddened that someone felt that negatively affected by it….BUT….Like I said, it just angered me because she was prepared to have me laid off…and maybe out on the street or unable to support myself for all she knew. This is especially bad because I am currently not receiving any monetary profit from this blog, though I cannot say that will always be the case. I am not spewing violent material so it was just completely out of line, especially to not contact me first about it.

      • #11 by hiddeneloise on June 11, 2011 - 10:17 pm

        Yes, exactly. It’s one thing to post a scathing comment to your entry, if she felt this strongly. God knows, there are tons of ways to be unpleasant or demonstrate displeasure on the Internet if one chooses to. But what she did crossed so many lines, it boggles the mind. She attempted to effectively destroy your life. In a very real way. And for what?! For having an opinion she found distasteful? For voicing that opinion in a fairly innocuous environment of a private, non-profit, fan blog?

        It’s just … atrocious. I don’t care what kind of disorder she has. What she did was unacceptable and inexcusable. I am sorry you had to go through this.

      • #12 by Kat on June 12, 2011 - 12:23 am

        I have actually never denied a comment on here unless it was spam ( even a few negative ones or ones that opposed my position), so if she wanted to publicly challenge me, she could have been my guest. I just cannot believe she tried to destroy my life because she felt that I was attacking her disorder (because again, I was making a character analysis). Yes and even though I am not fired as of now, I am afraid my boss is going to think I am trying to be mentally destructive over the internet or something and that things are going to be awkward (given the over-the-top content of the anonymous letter). It would have been one thing to even contact me personally by mail (still creepy but doesnt threaten to destory for life)…but this? It’s not like I am advocating violent behavior or discrimination against a particular group or attacking people with this disorder in an over the top or violent manner (Sookie is my heroine for crying out loud lol). Sheeeshhhhh.

        Thank you again…I am glad I have readers who are sympathetic and demonstrate so much concern. It really makes me happy to know there are so many good and loyal people out there.

      • #13 by Anonymous on June 13, 2011 - 12:19 pm

        Ugh. I am sorry this affected you like that! You are right: even if your boss took this letter with the grain of salt, it’s now a thing, and he (she?) probably cannot help but wonder a bit. And that is the very real negative effect directly on your life.

        Whoever this horrible woman is (and the fact that she suffers from something or other and is a victim herself does not absolve her of responsibility in this act of malice against you), she has done something so unpardonable, I am still shocked by it. What a cowardly thing to do, too! Anonymous hate letter sent without an opportunity offered for you to respond or defend yourself?! And sent somewhere where it will do the most damage. That is downright evil.

        I sincerely hope that this blows over shortly for you at work, and does not have any long-term consequences on your life and career. Hang in there!

      • #14 by Kat on June 13, 2011 - 1:34 pm

        She signed the letter by saying that I “victimized her”……Well she certainly victimized me…that I can say.

  6. #15 by Freyja M. North on June 11, 2011 - 6:57 pm

    Well said Kat. I can’t believe someone has invaded your private life like that. That’s shocking!!!!
    This speculation is for entertainment. A speculation of FICTIONAL characters, it’s not real life, people!
    Hugs to you Kat, and keep up the good work :*

    • #16 by Kat on June 11, 2011 - 9:54 pm

      Thank you so much. It would be one thing if I was spewing racist or violent material, but this is an educated analysis based on a fictional television show as you said. I was sickened and shocked but I am continuing on. I just want you all to know that I will remain strong, and if anything this will embolden me to continue.

  7. #17 by Anonymous on June 12, 2011 - 5:37 am

    I’m sure you realize by now that most of your readers understand your position perfectly. I am SO SORRY you had to experience this inappropriate behaviour from one disgruntled reader. Frankly, I find it a bit scary that she tried to hurt you in the “real world” over an opinion you expressed in a blog. And yes, we know it’s your opinion! You’ve never claimed otherwise.

    • #18 by Kat on June 13, 2011 - 12:03 pm

      Yes, I didn’t think it was hard to deduce of course. lol. Thank you so much. Well she tried to make it sound like I was attacking molestation victims (like Sookie) and attempting to provide people with Medical advice which is absurd. And thank you again

  8. #19 by bobsgran on June 12, 2011 - 8:03 am

    Wow. I am so sorry that you have had to go through this. It must have been frightening at some points. I truly hope that you do not suffer any loss because of someones possible break with reality. As has been said, this is fiction and fantasy not real life.

    • #20 by Kat on June 13, 2011 - 12:04 pm

      She tried to make to seem as though I was attacking molestation victims (like Sookie) who have the disorder …which is absurd and slanderous toward me.

  9. #21 by FairySookie on June 14, 2011 - 2:53 pm

    Kat, I love your blog, and would miss it if you had to stop. I can’t wait for the season to start and then come here and read your articles.

    I really really feel for you, hugs to you and hope it only makes you stronger. I would never jeopardise someone’s source of income. What if you had little babies to feed? Or a sick person to take care of or something. I hope you feel all the love we have for you and your blog. 🙂

    • #22 by Kat on June 15, 2011 - 12:53 am

      Thank you so much. That’s what hurt the most, I could have been out on the street for all she knew and I could have other innocent people to support……………..I definitely do…THANK YOU so much. it makes me happy to know people love this blog so much. I never imagined it would get to this level, as I only had a couple of people wanting to read anything I said at first.

  10. #23 by Anonymous on June 15, 2011 - 2:10 pm

    I can’t speak for anyone else, but your blog REALLY added a whole new perspective on the show. At first I just thought it was sexy and fun (which it is, obviously!) but your in depth looks at it made me look deeper too. I think it’s safe to blame you for the fact that I eventually bought and read each and every book as well. I hadn’t even realized True Blood was based on books before that. So thanks for that, lol.

    • #24 by Kat on June 15, 2011 - 10:36 pm

      awh thanks for the compliment but I feel there are so many who do this just as well as I do…….I thought that too until I thought a little about the social commentary underneath and that spread the intellectual interest in it…….AWH that’s almost the best compliment I could get! THANK YOU!

  11. #25 by Anonymous on June 16, 2011 - 10:13 pm

    I know how you feel. I too have been a recipient of a sick, vindictive person infringing on my professional reputation. Except in my case I thought she was my friend. My good news is that my co- worker, who is a friend, knew me, and discounted my accuser as a nut-case. However, it could have turned out much worse if my co-worker hadn’t known me.

    The circumstances you found yourself in make me wonder if this person was actually someone you know in your personal life, who flies under disguise, who would benefit by your demise.

    Just sayin’…

    • #26 by Kat on June 17, 2011 - 9:17 am

      Well thankfully, my boss gave me the benefit of the doubt.

      Well, I actually think that is very possible and it has been suggested to me by a couple of people I know personally. Some think it possibly was a crank or yes, someone who wants to destroy me in that manner for their personal benefit. Some even think it might have been a rival blog or a Bill site…but I hate to think it would have gone that far now since I am currently not receiving a profit for this blog (though I do get plenty of hits) and am very supportive of my fellow bloggers.

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